Release Day Blitz: “Discovered” (The Cover Series #1) by Kim Black – My Review, EXCLUSIVE Author Interview & Giveaway

Hello, my lovelies!

I am so excited to share my review of “Discovered” by Kim Black today! This is a very STEAMY book with a great storyline and I enjoyed it immensely.

Be sure to check out my exclusive interview with Kim – and do not forget to enter her giveaway: you can win a Kindle Fire HD! Whoop!




Emily Roberts was done with men! She believed she was content with just focusing on her career. After Adam, her ex, cheated on her with not one but two of her co-workers, Emily fled from her former workplace, forgoing her internship and decided to start anew.

Though her decision to write off love had held up for over a year, her chastity belt would soon be put to the test when Julien Belmont, a French billionaire, takes an interest in her.

In one night, she questions everything she believes and though she is determined that he is no different from the rest, she finds herself in a world wind of affairs, lies and a tug of war between old and new men…

Can she learn to love again or will she flee from Julien, who she admits is the best lover she had ever had?

Julien Belmont is a gorgeous, commanding, passionate Frenchman who enjoys his freedom. His ever growing sexual hunger makes it so his appetite is never quite quenched. At last not until he meets Emily. One night with her changes everything he has ever believed in.

Will his past destroy his potential future with Emily? Or will the fire between them burn eternal!

Note: This book is the first part of a series and is designed to be read in order.


This book contains erotic content and is not suitable for readers under the age of 18.


My Review

ARC received by the author in exchange for an honest review.

If you are looking for a quick, steamy read with a strong-willed heroine and a gorgeous sexy-as-sin hero, I definitely recommend that you read this book.

Meet Emily: she has been burnt by her past boyfriend, Adam, and even though it has been a year since she broke it off with him, she is still not ready or willing to jump into a new relationship. However, her strong feelings about this subject become muddled when she meets Julien Belmont when she is out clubbing with her friends one night.

“Foreign men and their accents. Why did we girls have to be such suckers for a beautiful man with an accent?!” (Emily)

Julien is, without a doubt, a man accustomed to getting his way and the minute he lays eyes on Emily, he wants her.

They share a night filled with VERY steamy sex (honestly, my ears got quite red while reading this scene) but when morning comes, Emily is still not sure if she wants to trust Julien with her heart. And then drama ensues: by accident, Emily finds out that Julien is, in fact, married! Yes, married! At this point in time, I was quite ready to throw my Kindle across the room because I did NOT see this coming, at all – but I did not do this, I persevered and read the entire story in one sitting. And I will not tell you more about the actual drama but suffice it to say that there is lots of it.

Emily is a great character: sassy, smart, and as I already mentioned above, she is a very strong woman. I like her “voice” very much, and I could completely relate to her when it came down to her very conflicting feelings towards Julien and her ex-boyfriend, Adam.

And Julien…? Well, he is very alpha in the bedroom, but quite confused about his feelings as well. He does not understand the pull he feels when he is near Emily, and he is quite determined to make her his.

“This woman…she had somehow gotten to me, weakened me and brought out a side of me that I didn’t know existed.” (Julien)

His marriage of convenience to Charlette, their reasons behind it, left me a bit…well, angry, actually. But I love it when books make me feel very strong emotions, whether they be negative or positive ones. So well done, Miss Black!

As this is a novella, this review is rather short – but I do not want to spoil it for you. The story is solid, the dual POVs make me a very happy bookaholic, and one of the major factors as to why I enjoyed the story so much is that I found myself feeling sympathy towards ALL the characters. Even Charlette and Adam have redeeming qualities, and I can honestly say that I have absolutely no idea about what will happen in the next two installments! I love that!

So, to sum up: this is, yes, a story about a sexy billionaire, which we have seen quite a lot of already, but it is so different at the same time; further, the feelings of both Emily and Julien are portrayed in a way that make you believe them; last, the supporting characters all play a very important part in the story as well, and they, too, come across as very believable characters. The author’s writing is very good, and it has a nice flow to it.

Although I would have liked to get to know Emily and Julien better – because this IS the first book in the series – I am confident that I will get my wish granted in the next book, “Coverup”, and I cannot wait to read it.




 Kim Black is a Romance Writer who enjoys the passions of love. There is no greater feeling then the initial jilt we get when we first meet that right person. She believes everyone should experience that feeling and if you haven’t yet experienced it, then maybe you can live through the her characters.
She has always enjoyed reading and writing stories that people can get lost in, providing a story that people can feel and relate to.
Her first debut novel is “DISCOVERED” which will be a part of “The Cover Series.”




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Author Profile on Goodreads


Amazon US (Kindle & Paperback)

Barnes & Noble (Nook)


Here is my interview with Kim, ladies.


Thank you so much for letting me interview you, Kim!

1)    First of all: Who is Kim Black? I am just your average girl from New York who grew up loving to read books. When I was younger, I would read everything I could get my hands on. Actually my best friend and I would have competitions to see who could read more books. LOL As I got older, I started writing poetry and then little short stories here and there. It wasn’t until last year that I was introduced to the world of Erotic Romance Novels but once I started reading the genre, I got hooked.

2)    Where did the inspiration for Discovered'” come from? When did the idea of the story come to you? Initially I decided to write a suspense novel but once I began writing, I knew that it wasn’t the story I wanted to write. Somewhere along my new discovery of Erotic Romances last year, I fell in love with the genre. So, I scraped the suspense novel and started again… This time with Discovered, wanting to give the readers what I had been getting from the new list of authors who had made me fall in love with the genre; passion, lust, drama and story that they would get completely lost in.

3)    How long did it take you to write the book? I started writing Discovered in the beginning of September. I wasn’t finished completely, edits included until earlier this month.

4)    Are any of your characters based on people from real life? Or are they entirely fictional? It’s funny that you ask because I think each female character is a piece of my personality. Emily is the girl who doesn’t trust easy and runs away when things get too hard for her although she doesn’t believe she does that. Suzie is a no-nonsense; tell it like it is woman who lives her life by the day. Diana is the caring, shy, over-looked girl who is the nurturing motherly type. For the guys, they are pretty much made-up characters lol

5)    Who did you connect the most with, Emily or Julien? Emily of course lol I guess it’s easier to understand and connect with her more because I am a woman and I know what its like to get your heart broken by a man to the point where you feel like you can never trust another.

6)    Did you know how the story would end from the beginning? Or did the book almost take on a life of its own? Honestly I don’t know where the story will lead me until I start writing. I know that an author should sit down and write out the plot and the details but where is the fun in that? lol I like to sit in front of my computer and just let my fingers move. There are times I start typing and it’s amazing, and then there are times when I have to hit backspace but I like it that way. I just let the story come to me.

7)    Did certain scenes make you blush while writing them? 😉 Heck yeah! All the sex scenes lol It’s one thing to read those scenes and it’s a completely different thing to write them lol I kept wondering if people are going to think that I am drawing from my own sex life lol But nonetheless, I think I managed to make each scene better then the last.

8)    Do you have any specific rituals when you sit down to write? I mostly write when at night, when everyone else at home is asleep. Normally I was grab my blanket, head over to the living room and get nice and comfy on the couch with my laptop and write till the sun came up.

9)    Do you use music to get you in the right frame of mind while writing a certain scene? No not music but the tv is on lol I like the sound of my late night comedies in the background lol I know it’s weird lol

10)  What are the top 3 songs on your iPod right now? Marl Anthony – Vivir Mi Vida, Tamar Braxton – Love & War, and Adele – Someone Like You

11)  I am very much looking forward to reading the next installment in the Cover series – can you tell us a little bit about what’ll happen next? Without giving any spoilers, of course. The next book in the series is COVERUP and all I can say is expect more sexy scenes, more unexpected plots and if you have already picked your teams, (Team Adam, Team Julien, Team Emily and Team Charlette) you might switch up by the end of this book. The characters all step their game up in COVERUP!

12)  Name 3-5 Fun Facts about yourself!

Hmm let’s see…

1)    I try to read a book a day unless the book is really long and take me two days

2)    I have hundreds of books on my Kindle that are still on my to-be-read list but I still search for books to download every week lol making the list never ending lol

3)    Though the book has finally released, it still hasn’t fully hit me that now I am a published author.

Go to Kim’s page to enter the giveaway!

Here is the link: Kindle Fire HD Giveaway: